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The high season of 2024 is over. The Catherine Park will be free to enter from 31 October 2024 to mid-April 2025.

During mid-April through October 2024, Tsarskoe Selo received over 2.9 million visitors, which is 200,000 more than the year prior.

Like before, our main attractions are: the Catherine Palace, the Catherine park, the Alexander Palace, and the Martial Chamber (WWI Museum).

The Poet & The Tsar, our main exhibition of 2024 attracted over 135,000 visitors.

Most visitors are from all over Russia, while more than 225,000 — 3 times more than in 2023 — came from China and Hong Kong, Iran, Vietnam, India, Thailand, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia and other 75 countries of the world.

During this summer, over thirty percent of tickets to Tsarkose Selo were booked online.

For the high season of 2025, our gardeners have already planted 64,000 flower bulbs in the Catherine Park, and 2 thousand in the Upper Greenhouses for interior decoration of the Catherine and Alexander Palaces. Next spring, our parks will have the blooming tulips (47 varieties), daffodils (22), crocuses (3), hyacinths (5) and other magnificent flowers.

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