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Until 17 February the Great Hall of the Catherine Palace houses the exhibition Gifts from Museum Friends showcasing nearly 100 of more than 150 objects donated by or obtained thanks to members of our Museum's Friends Society in 2024.

On display are watercolours, dolls, chairs, a bronze sculpture, nineteenth-century cold weapons, early twentieth-century firearms, photographs, and porcelain pieces of the famous Raphael Service.

Particularly noteworthy:

  • Four flat plates of 1903 from the Raphael Service, a famous porcelain set produced by the St Petersburg Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; now our collection boasts eighteen pieces of this set (pic. 2/8 above)
  • Wine glasses and chalices with the monograms of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and Empress Catherine II, produced by St Petersburg's Imperial Glass Factory in the 1760s (pic. 1/8)
  • Watercolours The Chapel in the Catherine Palace of Tsarskoe Selo  of circa 1921 by Alexandre Benois (pic. 3/8) and The 'Polar Star' (Imperial Russian Yacht) of the 1890-1900s by Nikolay Putiatin (pic. 4/8)
  • Dolls made by Armand Marseille and Simon & Halbic in the early twentieth century (pic. 7/8)
  • Soldier's Asian-style shashka sword of 1834 pattern
  • French Berthier Model 1892 artillery carbine

The exhibition is included in Catherine Palace Tour 1

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