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Temporary Exhibitions

In addition to the main displays in the Catherine Palace, our Museum always creates temporary exhibitions to expand the public's notion of the history of the Tsarskoe Selo imperial summer residence and to showcase objects from the interiors destroyed during the Second World War and not restored yet, while those unique exhibits cannot be put on display in their historical places.

Permanent Displays

The splendid interiors of the Catherine Palace are not all that Tsarskoe Selo can offer. Our themed displays will tell you more about the history of the imperial summer residence and show extant objects from the interiors destroyed during the Second World War and now waiting for restoration.
The Alexander Palace is currently under restoration, after which it will reopen the Suite of State Rooms and offer the restored historic interiors in the East Wing where the family of the last Russian emperor lived.

About Tsarskoe Selo

The palace-and-park ensemble of Tsarskoe Selo (the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site) is a superb monument of world-ranking architecture and garden-and-park design dating from the eighteenth to early twentieth centuries. A whole constellation of outstanding architects, sculptors and painters made the ideas of their crowned clients a reality here. Tsarskoe Selo is a cluster of very fine examples of Baroque and Classical architecture and it was also the first place in the Russian capital where interiors decorated in the Moderne (Art Nouveau) style appeared.

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