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24 July to 31 October, our new project Martial Chamber: 10 Years of WWI Stories (theatre, art, cinema) commemorates the 10th anniversary of the revived Martial Chamber and the 110th anniversary of the First World War with themed lectures and movies at our WWI Museum and the ROSPHOTO museum and exhibition centre in St Petersburg.

The project will be launched on 24 July at ROSPHOTO with Charlie Chaplin's Shoulder Arms (1918) silent film with live music performed by St Petersburg's musician Denis Kirillov who will also give a talk on musical improvisation in silent cinema.

The open-air movie shows in the courtyard of the Martial Chamber start on 2 August with a talk by aviation historian Marat Hairullin and the aerial war film The Eagle and the Hawk (1933). Other shows will include such films as All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), A Russian Youth (2019), 7th Heaven (1927) and Frantz (2016), as well as talks by film experts, historians and film directors.

In late August and early September, the project will offer an audio promenade show and art objects by modern artists near the Martial Chamber.

Organisers: Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site, Tsarskoe Selo's Charitable Assistance Foundation, ROSPHOTO State Museum and Exhibition Centre, On Liteiny Theatre

Registration required:
at Martial Chamber

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