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Vasily Neyelov (1722–1782) and his son Ilya (1745–1793), the Russian architects of the early Classicism, were sent by Catherine the Great to England, where they studied classic architecture traits and landscape design, then in vogue. Back in Russia, the Neyelovs were among those who introduced landscape gardening. Their achievements at Tsarskoe Selo in the 1770s-1780s were so significant that now the time is defined as the Neyelov’s period. The architects re-planned several areas of the park and created the projects like the Upper and Lower Bathhouses, Evening Hall, Marble or Palladian Bridge, Admiralty, and others. Skillful in using exotic motifs, the Neyelovs built the Large and Small Caprices, Pyramid, and Turkish or Red Cascade. Vasily Neyelov is mostly associated with the creations combining characteristics of Gothic and Oriental arts.

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