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Created in 1817 to Stasov’s design, the Vaulted Passage Room, which was also known as the Arched Room on account of the shape of its ceiling, takes visitors to the State Study of Alexander I in the Catherine Palace.

The original décor of the room was damaged by the 1820 fire and recreated in 1821–22 by Blokhin (the white artificial marble facing the walls) and Brandukov (the painting of the vaults). The furniture was made by one St Petersburg craftsman, Franz Grosse, and restored by another, Heinrich Gambs, after the fire. It stood in the room until 1941.

At the present time the Passage Room contains a French-made cupboard for engravings, chairs and armchairs made by Russian craftsmen and also candelabra (France, 1820s) and a vase bearing a depiction of the Battle of Brienne (Sèvres, France, 1814).

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